The social, cultural and technological changes that have taken place in recent years, such as globalisation and greater access to information, have led businesses to face up to a whole series of new social demands and values that urge them to rediscover a responsibility towards civil society and a link with the local area in which they are rooted.
The United Nations'endorsement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 SDGs is leading many companies to make sustainability a central driver of their strategy. Today, companies can no longer ask themselves what to do to be sustainable but rather how to be sustainable.
In this rapidly evolving context, sustainability cannot be limited to environmental issues and care for people, but becomes a company's ability to produce economic, environmental and social value, to engage its stakeholders in an interactive relationship, and to be able to fully, transparently and effectively report and present the entire process.
Incorporating sustainability into the company requires a rethink of objectives and processes, but at the same time substantially helps the company to mitigate operational and reputational risks and to strengthen engagement with internal (employees and collaborators) and external stakeholders (shareholders, suppliers, clients, public authorities, local communities, etc.).
We support companies along the entire sustainability chain, from analysing the current situation to drawing up action plans, preparing sustainability reports and presenting them.
In particular, we:
We have the opportunity to define what the world will be like in 15 years and to make decisions about the kind of world we want to live in. The 17 points that make up the 2030 Agenda are 17 new goals that aim to decisively improve the living conditions of the entire world's population.
They refer to different areas of development:
which must be considered in an integrated way.
The goals feature a number of references to the well-being of people and the fair distribution of the benefits of development as indispensable components.