Talented recent graduates from all faculties and specialisations with initiative, intellectual curiosity, passion and the ambition to pursue excellence are the ideal pool from which to source the best candidates for the company.
This is a hiring process based on a candidate's potential and represents an investment for the company, which is why it has to be well thought out and perfectly embedded in the organisational context.
The recruitment process aimed at identifying the best talents based on the definition of a professional and behavioural profile, identifying their strengths and possible weaknesses, is divided into the following phases:
In order to identify the most suitable candidate, not only for the job to be filled but also for the characteristics of the company, we make use of various recruitment tools, which over the years have always proved to be a valuable assessment tool.
In particular we use:
The Assessment Centre is a useful method for identifying individuals with the necessary skills to undertake a specific role. Simulations of organisational situations are used to test these skills, facilitating the emergence of the fundamental behaviours to be observed and assessed. To be effective, the simulations must reflect the corporate reality as much as possible. Only in this way can reliable information be gathered.